Miss Muscle Maven Recommends

Here is a collection of some of my recommended products and services.  I have personally reviewed these and I keep a listing of my most favorite products here. Some of my reviews are a work in progress. Be sure to check back often for updates.


Inspiration and Knowledge Base

How Much Protein? –  The Truth About Protein

I have spent so much time trying to learn about the benefits of protein and this little gem just caught my attention.  It intrigued me right from the start as it challenged me to temporarily dismiss everything I have learned from personal experience.  This is a great read as it will open your eyes to what is essential and what is hype.  I certainly have been on the “protein bandwagon” myself but this forced me to rethink some of what I thought I knew.  Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in the benefits of reasonable amounts of protein for achieving a lean body as I have experienced this firsthand, but I definitely appreciated reading a somewhat different perspective.

See my review: How Much Protein

Learn more at the: The Truth About Protein website



Healthy Cooking and Recipes

Clean Eating Magazine

I don’t remember how or where I stumbled upon this magazine but it immediately became my favorite cooking magazine.  If you don’t have it, go get it now!

Okay, I got a bit ahead of myself.  This magazine is all about cooking with healthy fats, lean meats and fish, healthy vegetables, low or no refined sugars, even gluten free on occasion.  It is generally about good Clean Eating.

It’s all about eating clean and lean on your way to improving your overall body composition. I turn everyone I know on to this magazine. I look forward to receiving my copy each and every month. There are always wonderfully clean and healthy recipes there are tons of mouthwatering pictures to get the juices flowing. The cover recipe is always beautifully presented and the back pages feature a clean and healthy dessert in every issue.

Eating healthfully doesn’t have to be bland or boring.  Check Clean Eating out.  You won’t be disappointed!

See my full review: Clean Eating Magazine

Learn more: Clean Eating Magazine



Exercise and Working Out

Cardio and Strength Training

Two of my absolute favorite programs for combination cardio and strength training, hands down are the Boot Camp and Tae Bo series by Billy Blanks.

Billy takes you through tons of heart pumping cardio and you get an awesome leg work out as a bonus. This ultimate combination of strength and cardio training will get you in shape in no time.

A more traditional workout might include a turn with Cathe Friedrich. She’s a powerhouse and is not for the faint at heart.  I highly recommend you get in good shape with Billy first before advancing to Cathe’s intense workouts.

If you want a bit more fun and dance during your workouts then Shaun T is your man. Check out Hip Hop AbsHip Hop Abs DVD Workout
for starters. Don’t let the disarming smile and dance routines fool you.  These workouts are intense!

All of these veterans are experts in their own right and will get you into fit and fighting shape in no time flat.

Life Changing Opportunities

Site Build It – Create a Website for Extra Income

Do you have a passion you would like to share online but don’t know where to begin?

Are you wondering why everyone seems to have a blog, website, fanpage, whatever? Grandma has a website you say?

Now for some people their websites are pretty much a hobby.  But this is not true for everyone.  Just to give you some insight, know this, there are many people making a full time living online from their websites. Yes, it is true.  Read it again.

If you would like to set up your own website and online business and you have no idea what to do next then look no further.  SBI is for you.

Site sell is a one stop, all inclusive website building tool with tons of resources to get your site up and running and optimized with ease.  Don’t know what all of that means?  Not to worry, SBI does all of the heavy lifting for you and you will have access to forums where you can learn more and ask questions as well.

It took me literally years just to get to this point. I regret not following through with the SBI program.  Who knows where I would be by now?  But some of us like to do things the hard way. That was a big mistake on my part.

Don’t be foolish like me. Which would you prefer?  6 months or 6 years? Take advantage of this tremendous resource to get your site up quickly so you can get about the business of online business.

Still not sure? Well, you don’t have to take my word for it.

Go check out some case studies for yourself. Then go get to it!

See my full review – Site Build It

Learn more – Site Build It